Planning for instruction is the foundation of every excellent lesson. Including ICT's in the instruction process is even more valuable.
In today's teaching/learning environment ICT is essential. Because it allows for flexibility and creativity, it can and should be incorporated in the planning and execution of the lesson. Students seem to be forever captivated by the frequent upgrades in technology and teachers must be able to keep their interest in the lesson high on the agenda.With so many apps available, as a teacher you are not limited to talk and chalk. As someone once said, "Proper planning prevents poor performance". When teachers are sufficiently prepared, they encourage an air of interest and excitement for their hopefully eager students to learn.
In planning consider:
  • Web Quests
  • Power Point presentations
  • YouTube videos
  • Web Conferencing
  • Building blogs together
  • Creating tutorials for specified techniques that will be learnt. These tutorials, once completed can be used as teaching tools for other students.
  • Social Media (closed groups) may be used to post assignments, to voice opinions, ask questions etc related to tasks set by the teacher.
  • Catering for exceptional student.
It is imperative that the teacher keeps abreast with all the upgrades and changes in technology so that he/she does not enter the classroom with archaic methods of teaching.
Trust me your students will love you for it and look forward to coming to your classes.


  1. Very informative piece of information

  2. Thank you for taking the time out to read my blog Garrian. I trust that you were able to gather ideas that are new to you so that you can incorporate them in your lessons

  3. Thank you for this informative piece. I found very useful information that I would be able to use in my classroom setting.

  4. Happy that I could have helped
